High streets 2024 ENG
© 2024 CBRE
Photo 13: Plac Pięciu Rogów
Michał Lejk Representative for the New Centre of Warsaw
”The New Centre of Warsaw project is one of the largest urban planning projects in Poland in recent years. Its goal is to comprehensively revitalize the heart of the capital, and the results of this transformation will certainly have a long-lasting impact on the quality of life of residents and the attractiveness of the city for tourists and investors. In the context of this project, it is worth paying attention to the issue of communication. Narrowing streets, introducing new green spaces and improving pedestrian infrastructure are conscious actions aimed at creating a more friendly urban space. On the other hand, it requires us, as a community, to understand and accept certain inconveniences. Additionally, it is worth emphasizing that the vision of the future of the centre of Warsaw is not limited only to attracting international luxury brands. An equally important goal is to revitalize high streets by supporting local craftsmen and creators. They are the ones who give the city its authenticity and uniqueness. The revitalization of Plac Pięciu Rogów is the beginning of significant changes in the structure of the central part of Warsaw. In 2024, we can expect the completion of works on Chmielna and Bracka streets, and the next year the modernization of Krucza street is expected to be completed. Next, Złota and Zgody streets are planned. These ambitions regarding urban infrastructure mean that the capital of Poland will undergo dynamic changes in the coming years.
The key is that the City is open and innovative when it comes to shaping new spaces. It realizes that raising standards and achieving the intended goals is only possible thanks to close cooperation with real estate experts who operate in this market on a daily basis. Their experience, knowledge and understanding of market dynamics are invaluable in the process of planning and implementing these types of projects. Moreover, the City plans to use advanced simulation models to analyze the potential effects of the introduced changes. These types of tools, using the latest technological achievements, can significantly facilitate the decision-making process, enabling the prediction of various scenarios and the identification of possible problems before they occur. In the context of the development strategy of commercial zones, it is worth paying attention to the Business Improvement District model, used successfully in many developed European countries. This approach of funding improvements within a specific area through local businesses can be an effective way to maintain a high-quality public realm and promote economic development. To sum up, the New Centre of Warsaw project is an ambitious undertaking that has the potential to transform the capital into a modern, resident friendly and attractive city for investors, and will also strengthen Warsaw’s position on the map of interesting destinations for weekend and shopping tourism.”
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