High streets 2024 ENG



© 2024 CBRE

Zamek Królewski

K r a kow sk i e P r


z edm i e ś c i e

Wi s ł a

Pałac Prezydencki

Plac Teatralny

Uniwersytet Warszawski Krakowskie Przedmieści e

Elektrownia Powiśle

The very centre of Warsaw has many years of trading traditions, examples being the well-known shopping destinations such as Domy Towarowe Centrum (established in the 1960s and 1970s) and Centralny Dom Towarowy (1951, now Cedet). Current high street clients include not only Warsaw residents, but also employees of nearby office buildings and tourists.

This publication presents the high streets of Warsaw - destinations with a diverse commercial, service and gastronomic offer, where international retail chains intertwine with local businesses. Individual streets differ in their character, which makes them unique and at the same time influences the customer’s choice of destination.

M a r s z a ł kow sk a


No w y Św i a t

k r z yska

Browary Warszawskie

Ś wi ęt o

Św i ę tok r zys k a

Fabryka Norblina

C h m i e l n a

Pałac Kultury i Nauki

Ch m ie l n a

B r ac k a

A l . J e r ozol i ms ki e

M ys i a

N o wy Ś wia t

Złote Tarasy

B r ac k a

A l . J e r ozol i ms ki e

K r u c z a

Plac Trzech Krzyży

Dworzec Centralny

Pozn a ńs k a

H o ża

M a r s z a ł kow sk a

H o ża

K r u c z a

M oko towska

P ię k n a

K o s z yk o w a

Current high street clients include not only Warsaw residents, but also employees of nearby office buildings and tourists.

K oszy k o w a

Plac Konstytucji

Hala Koszyki

K o s z y ko wa

Politechnika Warszawska

Plac Zbawiciela

M o ko t o w s k a

Łazienki Królewskie

M a r s z a ł kow sk a

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