Modern Office Strandards Poland 2020

Modern Office Standards Poland 2020 / Rolfe Judd / CBRE /

Two-letter system for building assessment criteria — Quality and Location which gives full picture of building status.

/ CBRE / Rolfe Judd / Modern Office Standards Poland 2020 / 11 A2 Location Criteria A2 / Location criteria LOCATION CRITERIA A C

Classification table / A3

A3 Classification Table

Location is considered to be perhaps the most important element in determining office build- ings’ class status. Only prime location within the central business districts (CBD) or a defined of- fice zone / other established office location with

very good accessibility can really be considered as Class A locations. This part of the classifica- tion system is therefore the primary designation in our classification guide.

The full range of categories is illustrated below:



A quality and A location

B quality and C location



A quality and B location

C quality and A location



A quality and C location

C quality and B location



B quality and A location

C quality and C location

Primary locations within the central business districts (CBD) or in other established location with very good accessibility and major or prestigious business park locations with excellent transport connections and a good variety of local amenities. B Secondary locations on the periphery of CBDs or other established location or on industrial or office estates located outside the CBD. These are good office locations with good transport connections and services.


B quality and B location

EXAMPLE OF AB-CLASS OFFICE BUILDING: Building meeting at least 19 out of 22 standard requirements (therefore achieving the ‘A’) and located on the fringes of the city centre or in the non-central parts of the city but in a well-established business (therefore achieving the ‘B’).

Any other location not defined as class A or B.



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