Modern Office Strandards Poland 2020
The design of an efficient core is important for every office building.
Proximo I
/ CBRE / Rolfe Judd / Modern Office Standards Poland 2020 / 25 B4 Common A) CORE LAYOUT B4 / Common provision
/ Warsaw / Rolfe Judd
Provision (OB)
The design of an efficient core is important for every office building. Each layout will vary ac- cording to the building plan but the design objectives remain constant. • To provide easy to use and intuitive lifts, restrooms and services in the core layout • To minimise common parts areas whilst achieving maximum space standards and com- fort levels • To provide well designed, attractive and robust common parts services that will elegant- ly and reliably serve the building for 15–20 years • A possibility for internal circulation between floors such as internal staircase ought to be taken into consideration during the design stage and is subject to fire regulations • To provide quality finishes • Easy access to the staircase for communication between the nearest levels • If feasible staircase should not just fulfil minimum standards requirements but possibly be wider and more welcoming with the aim to encourage office tenants to use stairs more often than lifts. Features like climbing wall or interesting murals could be of help to achieve such change of behavior. • Good practice: to consult and certify building design with foundations for the disabled
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