Modern Office Strandards Poland 2020

Modern Office Standards Poland 2020 / Rolfe Judd / CBRE /

Provision of a raised floor with good access for services such as electrical and IT cabling is an essential requirement for a class A office buildings.

City One / Wroclaw

/ CBRE / Rolfe Judd / Modern Office Standards Poland 2020 / 53 B14 / Raised floors

B14 Raised Floors (OB) Provision of a raised floor with good access for services such as electrical and IT cabling is an essential requirement for a Class A office buildings. Raised floor types and depths vary greatly but certain types of raised floors have gained favour amongst tenants and develop- ers for flexibility, economy and robustness.

There are some other cheaper raised floors solutions, which allow for cabling provision. They are not as flexible (e.g. cast-in chan- nels) but might be sufficient for some build- ings. Sometimes, (e.g in refurbished buildings) when it is impossible to fit raised floors, the other solutions might be implemented.

Recommendation: • 120–150mm overall depth min 90mm clear service zone and 300mm for deeper floors • 300mm–500mm for sub-floor air conditioning • 500 or 600mm square metal floor tiles • Point loads of 3.0KN (over 25 sq mm) • Secure possibility to provide raised floor up to 200 mm for the UPS and server rooms. • Fire resistance and acoustic performance should be considered



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