Modern Office Strandards Poland 2020

Modern Office Standards Poland 2020 / Rolfe Judd / CBRE /

Office environment comfort is highly dependent on controlled noise levels.

/ CBRE / Rolfe Judd / Modern Office Standards Poland 2020 / 71 B20 Noise (OB) B20 / Noise •

Noise / B20

The level of the noise (maximum and minimum) within office space is very important and has a big influence on comfort and employees’ efficiency.


B) ACOUSTICS • Mandatory parameters from PN-B-02151-3 must be met by shell & core • Avoid main distribution HVAC channels runs through potential tenant’s office areas • An additional acoustic isolation ought to be provided for a transfer channels

Office rooms used by separate users: 35 dB

Large-space offices, open-plan office rooms: 40 dB

• Rooms for confidential interviews, including director’s rooms: 30 dB

Recommendation: To keep noise levels as low level as possible to increase the comfort of the office environment.

Recommendation: In case of various amenities (such as fitness) max noise levels should be addressed. Parameters should be addressed at the shell&core stage to meet the end-user criteria.



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