Raport Confidence Index 2024_english veriosn
Wojciech Cipiur CEO & Managing Director, DSV Solutions
What are your expectations for this year’s performance for your company and the logistics sector in general in Poland? How will this be influenced by expectation for the general economic environment?
Despite a significant decline in road transport volumes, declining exports and a still weak rebound in consumption and investments, the prospects for the Polish logistics sector remain good. Whether it is very good depends on many factors, including, among others: competitiveness of our services, which have not been helped recently by the simultaneous strengthening of the zloty exchange rate and a drastic increase in the minimum wage. At DSV Solutions, this year started with some concerns, but after five months we already see more positive than negative
signals from the market and from our customers. We expect significant growth in all parameters of our business this year. The prospects for our industry in the next year depend on how quickly we will see the impact of KPO on the revival of investments and the economic situation of our largest trading partners, which has a significant impact on the volumes of our exports and new investments in Poland.
What, if any, changes in international supply chains have you observed in re cent years (nearshoring) and especially in the last 12 months – and which do you expect to see in the years ahead?
Trends such as nearshoring and friendshoring are visible and have a positive impact on the development of the logistics services sector in Poland. In recent months, the growth rate has slowed down significantly. In addition to the general situation in the global economy, this is also due to several internal factors, including: a drastic increase in labour costs, backwardness of the energy system or a significant strengthening of the zloty
exchange rate. Additionally, a visible factor taken into account by investors is access to green energy. If we work on these elements, Poland will continue to be one of the major beneficiaries of changes in global supply chains.
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