Modern Office Strandards Poland 2020
MOSP 2020
Modern Office Standards Poland 2020 / Rolfe Judd / CBRE /
Table of Contents
3 / Criteria Overview
B1 Landmark status (AD)
21 15 13 25 31 28 41 39 45 46 50 49 55 57 53 51 59 71 66 63 74 80
B3 Lobby / reception (OB) B4 Common provision (OB) B2 Internal layout and grids (AD) B6 Car parks and servicing (OB) B5 Wellbeing (incl. greenery) (AD)
/ CBRE / Rolfe Judd / Modern Office Standards Poland 2020
Table of contents /
B7 Lift service (OB)
1 / Foreword
/ Table of contents
B8 Ceilings and lighting (OB)
B9 Small power (OB) B10 BMS systems (OB)
2 / Criteria Overview
A1 Quality criteria Building stature Building space
7 7 7 8 9 9 9
B11 Structured cabling (OB)
B12 Tenants’ plant space provision (AD)
B14 Raised floors (OB) B13 Power supplies (OB)
Building technical Building comfort
B15 Structure (OB)
B16 Building maintenance (AD)
Building sustainability Quality criteria summary
B18 Daylighting (AD) B17 Amenities (AD)
A3 Classification table A2 Location criteria
12 11
B19 Heating, cooling and ventilation (OB)
B20 Noise (OB)
B21 Sustainability standards for design and construction (OB)
B22 Sustainability standards for the operation and maintenance of a building (AD)
4 / Location Criteria
5 / Appendix
C1 Measurement
93 91 85
C2 Statutory requirements’ reference
C3 Standards score card
6 / Company Profiles
The purpose of this Guide is to provide a benchmark standard for office buildings in the fast developing Polish office market.
Foreword The Modern Office Standards, Poland Guide, 2020 has been written and produced by Rolfe Judd Architecture and CBRE. Both companies are international businesses with substan- tial experience in the procurement, design, letting and management of office buildings. In addition, they also have substantial practic- es in Poland and are involved in the develop- ment of a number of major projects with many of Poland’s key office developers. The purpose of this Guide is to provide a benchmark stan- dard for office buildings in the fast developing Polish office market.
/ CBRE / Rolfe Judd / Modern Office Standards Poland 2020 / 3 / Foreword
The classifications should be applied equal- ly across all markets in Poland, for buildings developed in Warsaw and in regional cities likewise, aiming at creating a more level play- ing field, consequently attracting world class tenants and investors to look further afield. The Guide, originally published in September 2009 and re-published in 2010 and 2016, has proven to be a popular tool within develop- ers, consultants, occupiers and investors alike. It has facilitated many design processes, as- sisted in the understanding of the requirements of a particular standard and determined many briefs, specifications and costs of a particular building type. The tool is particularly helpful for controlling cost and quality as the outline specification can be agreed early on in the planning process. Many elements such as technology, users’ ex- pectations, investors’ awareness and attitudes have evolved over the last four years and sig- nificantly impacted on the understanding of the building classes. This Guide is part of an on- going process and will be further developed. You are welcome to contact us if you would like to discuss any aspect of the MOSP Guide. MOSP only covers new developments and should not be considered when refurbishments and end user office buildings (built-to-suit) are concerned. It does not apply to tenants’ space and fit-out.
The ability to assess the class of any office building is of great value for all the market players — developers, funds, tenants, agents and designers. We believe that this Guide provides a definitive and comprehensive as- sessment of best practice in terms of office building design, procurement, efficiency and occupational standards for the benefit of all participants within the industry. There are 22 key criteria for determining office quality standards. 14 of these crite- ria are treated as obligatory (OB), as they comprise non-negotiable fundamentals in good office design. The other 8 criteria are treated as additional options for achieving a particular classification (AD). The absence of two or three of the additional criteria may not necessarily preclude a building from achieving an A-class rating. There are also lower class measures for B and C ratings.
Diamentum Wroclaw /
Modern Office Standards Poland 2020 / Rolfe Judd / CBRE /
Criteria Overview
6. Car Park and Servicing (OB): Good accessibility and car park provision for tenants and visitors, good access for taxi, deliveries and building management services are essential for modern office buildings (section B6)
/ CBRE / Rolfe Judd / Modern Office Standards Poland 2020
Criteria overview / A1
Lift Service (OB): Minimum lift provision with a maximum waiting time of 30 seconds (section B7) 8. Ceilings and Lighting (OB): Provision of a modern ceiling with efficient lighting to meet min- imum standards (section B8) 9. Small Power (OB): Good small power provision meeting minimum requirements (section B9) 10. BMS Systems (OB): A modern BMS system to monitor or control access and security, fire, life safety and other building services (section B10)
A1 Quality Criteria
A1 / Criteria overview
Cabling (OB): Provision of space for cabling and IT infrastructure (section B11)
BUILDING STATURE 1. Landmark Status (AD): A landmark building recognised in a local context by brand name and/or visibility, but also standing out thanks to its uniqueness (section B1) BUILDING SPACE 2. Internal Layout and Grids (AD): A highly flexible internal design, flexible layout grid and efficient plan with a good net to gross ratio (section B2) 3. Lobby/Reception (OB): Well-designed lobby and reception with 24 hour concierge and building services, appropriately sized and designed for the building size and use (section B3) 4. Common Area Provision (OB): Cores are to be well planned and appropriately sized to service the building occupants (section B4) 5. Wellbeing / greenery (AD): Buildings should provide wellbeing for its users, taking into account both physical and mental health (section B5)
12. Tenants' Plant Space Provision (AD): Capability to accommodate tenants additional services such as IT rooms, satellite dishes, UPS, etc. within the building (section B12)
13. Power Supplies (OB): Provision of multiple power sources or securing space for a power generator within the building to ensure a constant power supply in the event of a local power grid failure (section B13)
Floors (OB): Provision of a raised floor (section B14)
15. Structure (OB): Minimum structural loading floor capacities for each office floor level with an area allocated for high loading levels on each floor (section B15)
16. Building Maintenance (AD): Provision of access for cleaning, maintenance and replacement solutions (Section B16)
Amenities (AD): Good local provision of amenities either on site or close by (section B17) Daylighting (AD): Good levels of natural daylighting, minimum 70% of net lettable area to be located within 6m of an external window, minimum floor to ceiling height of 2.7m (section B18) 19. Heating, Cooling & Ventilation (OB): Provision of a modern system of heating, cool- ing, ventilation and humidity control to achieve good quality of internal climate (Section B19) 20. Noise (OB): A quiet office environment to meet minimum standards (section B20) 18.
Graffit / Warsaw / Rolfe Judd
/ CBRE / Rolfe Judd / Modern Office Standards Poland 2020
A1 / Criteria overview
Sustainability Standards for the design and construction of the building (OB) to achieve one of: BREEAM Very Good Standard for the BREEAM International New Construction Scheme and / or LEED Gold Standard for Building Design and Con- struction (section B21) Sustainability Standards for the Operation and Maintenance of the Building (AD) to achieve one of: BREEAM Very Good Standard for the BREEAM In-Use International Scheme and / or LEED Gold Standard for Building Operations and Maintenance. (section B22)
Building should meet at least 19 out of 22 standard requirements (14 obligatory + 5 additional)
Building should meet at least 17 out of 22 standard requirements (14 obligatory + 3 additional)
Building should meet at least 15 out of 22 standard requirements (14 obligatory + 1 additional)
Building meets 14 and fewer out of 22 standard requirements (Any points)
Modern Office Standards Poland 2020 / Rolfe Judd / CBRE /
Two-letter system for building assessment criteria — Quality and Location which gives full picture of building status.
/ CBRE / Rolfe Judd / Modern Office Standards Poland 2020 / 11 A2 Location Criteria A2 / Location criteria LOCATION CRITERIA A C
Classification table / A3
A3 Classification Table
Location is considered to be perhaps the most important element in determining office build- ings’ class status. Only prime location within the central business districts (CBD) or a defined of- fice zone / other established office location with
very good accessibility can really be considered as Class A locations. This part of the classifica- tion system is therefore the primary designation in our classification guide.
The full range of categories is illustrated below:
A quality and A location
B quality and C location
A quality and B location
C quality and A location
A quality and C location
C quality and B location
B quality and A location
C quality and C location
Primary locations within the central business districts (CBD) or in other established location with very good accessibility and major or prestigious business park locations with excellent transport connections and a good variety of local amenities. B Secondary locations on the periphery of CBDs or other established location or on industrial or office estates located outside the CBD. These are good office locations with good transport connections and services.
B quality and B location
EXAMPLE OF AB-CLASS OFFICE BUILDING: Building meeting at least 19 out of 22 standard requirements (therefore achieving the ‘A’) and located on the fringes of the city centre or in the non-central parts of the city but in a well-established business (therefore achieving the ‘B’).
Any other location not defined as class A or B.
Quality Criteria
Proximo / Warsaw / Rolfe Judd
/ CBRE / Rolfe Judd / Modern Office Standards Poland 2020 / 13 B1 / Quality criteria • •
B1 Landmark Status (AD)
AN OFFICE LANDMARK BUILDING: • A local feature once constructed
Dominates a city square or junction
• Dominates an area due to its notable design quality or architectural merit
• Dominates an area due to its brand or the brand of its occupiers
Is characterized by a placemaking design
Recommendation: Landmark status and / or strong defining character or quality is required to achieve this grade.
Modern Office Standards Poland 2020 / Rolfe Judd / CBRE /
Internal layout and grid should be designed to allow maximum flexibility in creating the office and parking space without the need for extensive transfer structures.
Planning grid & column grid/office layout /
8.1 ÷ 9.00
8.1 ÷ 9.00
8.1 ÷ 9.00
8.1 ÷ 9.00
1/3 SG
1/3 SG
1/3 SG
1/3 SG
1/3 SG
1/3 SG
1/3 SG
1/3 SG
1/3 SG
1/3 SG
1/3 SG
1/3 SG
/ CBRE / Rolfe Judd / Modern Office Standards Poland 2020 / 15 A) GRIDS B2 / Internal layout and grids
Internal layout and grids / B2
B2 Internal Layout and Grids (AD)
Typical: 1. Structural Grid 8.10m to 9.00m, 8.25m to 8.40m works in majority of the cases 2. Partition Grid 2.70m to 3.00m (1/3 of structural grid) 3. Elevation Grid 1.35m to 1.50m (1/6 of structural grid)
There are many factors affecting the choice of a space planning grid for an office building; component sizes, structural span restrictions, offices sizes and car park grids. In many coun- tries a 1500mm grid is considered ideal as it works for office dimensions, car parking and common building material sizes. In Poland for last years a grid of 1350mm appeared to work most effectively, giving an 8.1m structur- al grid. Current regulations in regards to park- ing bays spacing requirements (B6) constrains greater structural spans. Car park layout and structural grid is dependent on many factors like building height, basement column size, building and site footprint etc., therefore it is impossible to establish one planning grid suit- able for all building types.
The facade design should ideally enable the erection of a partition at every 1/6th of struc- tural grid. It gives occupiers the ability to in- stall flexible cellular offices of 1/3rd to 2/3rd width of structural grid. It should be noted that it is not always pos- sible to design building following the above criteria. Sometimes, on difficult inner-city plots or on plots with extraordinary conditions other grid layouts might be more suitable and also achieve the standard.
Modern Office Standards Poland 2020 / Rolfe Judd / CBRE /
Low rise, efficient office building is considered to be one with a net to gross ratio exceeding 85%.
Planning grid & column grid/car park layout /
8.1 ÷ 9.00
8.1 ÷ 9.00
8.1 ÷ 9.00
8.1 ÷ 9.00
Economically planned offices benefit both the de- veloper and the tenant; the more efficient the net to gross ratio the lower the cost per sq m of net area. However, the common areas are accepted by tenants if there is an idea behind it and it direct- ly translates into additional benefits and services. A low rise, efficient office building is considered to be one with a net to gross exceeding 85%; any- thing over 80% is usually considered acceptable, anything below is usually not, unless there are special circumstances. Tower buildings frequently achieve lower net to gross ratios especially on the lower floor levels where structural components and lift shaft members become space hungry. Efficiency in these buildings usually varies between 70–80 %.
Net and Gross Area definitions varies between different measuring systems, that are used across the market. Developers use various measuring systems, thus it is difficult to compare buildings developed by differ- ent developers. Usually net area is everything that can be leased: office space, corridors, toilets, retail space etc. Please refer to Section C to find more considerations of the area measurement methods (The above figures / % mentioned in this paragraph are based on RICS measurement method). Efficiency is one of the factors creating flexible of- fice space. Efficiently designed services easily al- lowing for multi-tenant occupation are desirable.
2.5 1.2 2.5 2.5 1.2 2.5
2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
8.1 ÷ 9.00 8.1 ÷ 9.00 8.1 ÷ 9.00
/ CBRE / Rolfe Judd / Modern Office Standards Poland 2020
Internal layout and grids / B2
B2 / Internal layout and grids
Office floor plate efficiency /
Planning grid •
1/6th of structural grid 1.35m to 1.50m
• Standard cellular office module 2.7m–3.00m wide (1/3 of structural grid) Column grid • Dependent on building height, basement column size, car parking layout, building and site footprint 8.10m to 9.00m (unless extenuating circumstances apply)
Maximum Escape Travel Distance 40m
• Parking bays must be fully compliant with rules as per chapter (B6)
• When the internal arrangement is not known 80% of this distance should be used • Net leasable area/ Gross external area about 85% • Floor add-on: about 6%
• Central columns should be offset from parking bay front line to avoid clash with notion- al circulation zone and car door swings
Recommendation: • Achieve maximum % net to gross ratio for particular type of the building • Allow at least 13 cubic metres volume of free space per person and 2 sq m area of free floor space per person (*2) • For offices lower than 3m from floor to ceiling allow at least 15 cubic metres volume of free space per person
City One / Wroclaw
/ CBRE / Rolfe Judd / Modern Office Standards Poland 2020 B2 / Internal layout and grids C) OCCUPANCY LEVELS
Typical office occupancy levels range from 6–7 sq m per person. It is recommended that all of- fice buildings are designed to allow for 1 person per 7 sq m in the design of all building services. A word of warning however; if it is intended that the building should cater for a more dense occu-
pation of a call centre, trading facilities or other high density uses then densities of 1 person per 5 sq m may be reached and should be catered for. New ways of working, including coworking spaces fall into the limits.
To meet statutory requirements — it is common practice however to provide office circulation corri- dors wider than that required for fire escape provision.
Means of escape: • 5 sq m per person (for calculation if office internal layout is not provided) (*1) • Escape route minimum clear width 1.4m / 0.6m per every 100 people (counted proportionally) (*1) • Escape door minimum clear width 0.9m / 0.6m per every 100 people (counted proportionally) (*1) • Stairs flight minimum clear width 1.2m / 0.6 m per every 100 people (counted proportionally) (*1) • Means of escape is usually the driving factor to achieve optimum size / layout of the floor space
Modern Office Standards Poland 2020 / Rolfe Judd / CBRE /
Lobbies or central reception spaces are important elements of high class office buildings. They form the first impression for visitors.
D) BUILDING MANAGEMENT The design of the entrance hall should, in particular, take into account the needs of people with disabilities, not only in wheelchairs, but also people with reduced mobility, visually impaired and hearing impaired people. A good practice is, apart from solutions resulting directly from building law, to consider additional facilities, such as: • parking spaces for the disabled located as close as possible to the entrance to the building, • properly designed entrance zone — automatic sliding doors, spacious vestibule, dedicated doors for the disabled in the case of using a revolving door, • wayfinding and signage, graphic symbols and pictograms • typographic (tactile) plans and marking the main zones and elements in Braille • induction loops in the reception area • pavement markings and a system of textured pavement markings • places of rest • lowering the part of the reception desk to a height of 70–90 cm over a section of at least 90 cm with the possibility of being accessed by a wheelchair user, • equipping the reception desk with a system for on-line translations into sign language • equipping the reception with a assistance-free touch-sensitive guest registration system • armrests for seats and benches in the main hall and accessible outdoor areas • provision of a toilet for the disabled accessible from the entrance hall Each office building should provide rooms necessary for its functioning, intended for everyday use of the building. Depending on the size of the building and its needs, office space should be provided for the building manager, technical maintenance and security services. It is a good practice to locate these rooms in close proximity to the entrance reception if possible or appropriate. Additionally, necessary social rooms for the building services, including the cleaning service, should be provided. Recommendation: • Well-designed reception space and facilities suitable for the particular building type • 24-hour secured access • Reception space designed to provide good access control at the entrance level and to prop- erly organize people’s flow • Lobby provisioned with a meeting place and waiting areas • Reception and outdoor areas designed to provide solutions for people with disabilities • To provide suitable premises for the maintenance services of the building: building manager, maintenance service, security and cleaning service.
/ CBRE / Rolfe Judd / Modern Office Standards Poland 2020 / 21 B3 Lobby A) LOBBY DESIGN B3 / Lobby/reception
Lobby/reception / B3
/Reception (OB)
Lobbies or central reception spaces are im- portant elements of high class office build- ings. They form the first impression for visitors. They must be well designed, well lit, be ob- vious from the outside and welcoming. The provision of facilities within reception area will greatly depend on the building’s size and a lot of pressure is put on developing this element due to growing tenants’ expectations. They may be linked to a building’s other facilities. There is no simple recipe as to how a recep-
tion area should be designed. It depends on many factors such as location and size of the building, its class, number of entrances, etc. Quality of finishes is an important aspect of these considerations. The main lobby or reception combined with the BMS room, common ground floor restrooms, backrooms etc. should have an appropriate size according to the building’s layout but not exceeding 5–6% of the building’s net area. This space is defined as a part of the ‘Add-on Factor’.
It is expected that Class A quality offices should have the facility to house 24 hour security. This will require security staff room facilities to be provided in addition to the usual back of house facilities.
Proximo II Warsaw / Rolfe Judd /
The design of an efficient core is important for every office building.
Proximo I
/ CBRE / Rolfe Judd / Modern Office Standards Poland 2020 / 25 B4 Common A) CORE LAYOUT B4 / Common provision
/ Warsaw / Rolfe Judd
Provision (OB)
The design of an efficient core is important for every office building. Each layout will vary ac- cording to the building plan but the design objectives remain constant. • To provide easy to use and intuitive lifts, restrooms and services in the core layout • To minimise common parts areas whilst achieving maximum space standards and com- fort levels • To provide well designed, attractive and robust common parts services that will elegant- ly and reliably serve the building for 15–20 years • A possibility for internal circulation between floors such as internal staircase ought to be taken into consideration during the design stage and is subject to fire regulations • To provide quality finishes • Easy access to the staircase for communication between the nearest levels • If feasible staircase should not just fulfil minimum standards requirements but possibly be wider and more welcoming with the aim to encourage office tenants to use stairs more often than lifts. Features like climbing wall or interesting murals could be of help to achieve such change of behavior. • Good practice: to consult and certify building design with foundations for the disabled
Modern Office Standards Poland 2020 / Rolfe Judd / CBRE /
The design of A class building should take into consideration not only sustainability and energy efficiency but also building users, their wellbeing and health.
Toilet Provision – minimum recommended standards: • 1 washbasin for every 20 people (*1) • 1 WC for every 20 women (*1) • 1 WC plus 1 urinal for every 30 men (*1) • 1 cubicle for ambulant disabled (*1) • Cleaner’s cupboard at each floor •
/ CBRE / Rolfe Judd / Modern Office Standards Poland 2020
Wellbeing / B5
If number of occupants is fewer than 10, toilet may be unisex (*1)
• Maximum travel distance to sanitary accommodation not exceeding 75m (50m for disabled)
B5 Wellbeing (incl. greenery) (AD)
Compact core arrangement
B4 / Common provision
• A minimal additional corridor access for multi tenanted arrangements • Good practice: providing a possibility to plan additional toilets to allow max flexibility
Example core layout with common toilets /
The design of A class building should take into consideration not only sustainability and energy efficiency but also building users, their wellbeing and health. Some of the quality criteria were described in points B17–B20 in terms of mandatory parameters. This paragraph aim is to show only a few recommendations from many which goes beyond of what is required to meet.
Fitwel certification assesses in what extent the building, either existing or new construction, prioritises wellness.
Companies use Fitwel Certification to:
• Inform employees, residents, investors, and others that you prioritize wellness within the de- sign, development, and operations of buildings and communities
• Integrate the best strategies that science has to offer to optimize health within a building or community • Ensure that your company is leading the industry on the next frontier of sustainability • Improve the health of your employees, visitors, or residents as well as the surrounding community
Modern Office Standards Poland 2020 / Rolfe Judd / CBRE /
A) Mental health • Access for occupants to the well maintained greenery and nature outdoor or indoor • For large scale projects water future • Mindful design for example by installation of public art • Design that creates place identity and helps in orientation and way-finding • Room height and width proportion • Easy access to the information about materials building was constructed from
Szucha Premium Offices
Wellbeing / B5
Warsaw /
B) Physical health
• Minimalization of the internal air pollution by smoking restictions (next to the entrances, openable windows, air intakes) and minimalization of volatile organic compounds by using construction materials with lower VOC’s limits and by using non-toxic cleaning supplies
Ultraviolet lamps in cooling system to eliminate the mold
• • • • • •
Water leak detection to prevent mold
Control of sunlight access — blinds, shading devices
Openable windows
Regular testing of drinking water
Support for car-sharing and using bikes
• Support for physical activity — using staircase by Tenants to commute between floors • Provision of physical activity spaces inside and outside
Modern Office Standards Poland 2020 / Rolfe Judd / CBRE /
The number of car park spaces might be dependent on the site’s location its size or zoning plan requirements.
Parking bay minimum size (*1) •
2.5 x 5.0m (min. 0.1m between column and parking bay, min. 0.3m between wall and parking bay) for standard perpendicular parking bay; 3.6/2.5 x 6.0 for parallel parking bay
3.6 x 5.0m for disable parking bay
• min. 1.2m access from along one side of the car for disabled parking bay
/ CBRE / Rolfe Judd / Modern Office Standards Poland 2020 / 31 B6 Car Parks B6 / Car parks and servicing
Internal car park roads width (*1) shall be minimum • 5.0m when parking spaces are located perpendicular (head-on) • 4.0m when parking spaces are aligned at an angle less than 60° • 3.5m when parking spaces are aligned at an angle less than 45° • 3.0m when parking spaces are located parallel
Car parks and servicing / B6
and Servicing (OB) Many elements have an influence on car park provision. The number of car park spaces might be dependent on the site’s location, its size or Zoning Plan requirements.
Car park clear height (*1) •
2.2m measured to structural elements (e.g. beams, down-stands)
2.0m measured to the bottom of service equipment
solutions should be found (like car stackers, semi or fully automatic parking systems or parking pallets etc.). Depending on type of tenants managed office / public parking sys- tems can be considered. Office buildings which aim to achieve quality class A should be provided with secured, cov- ered or sheltered car park spaces and bicycle racks, meeting the BREEAM / LEED / Other certification requirements. Charging places for electrical cars also should be provided.
• It should be noted that 2.2m is a minimum height for escape purposes with local lowering not longer than 1.5m • For other vehicles (commercial, public services) shall not be lower than: 2.7m clear (depends of height of service vehicles accessing car park level)
In city centres limited car parking spaces num- ber is usually provided due to good provision of public transport and local environmental policy. Sustainability issues and the resultant local plan restrictions increasingly often pro- vide maximum limits on car park spaces al- lowed rather than minimum required. In sit- uations when sufficient amount of car park spaces is not possible to be provided other
Car ramp (*1)
Minimum width: •
5.5m for 2-way traffic
2.7m for single-way traffic
Adequate ramp gradient should be provided. It is a good practice to provide heating cables to the first ramp to the carpark (even though it is located inside the building or is covered).
Modern Office Standards Poland 2020 / Rolfe Judd / CBRE /
Ventilation (*1) • Natural ventilation is most efficient and therefore if possible should be used — in open-sided car park (openings minimum 35% of wall, maximum distance be- tween opposite walls with openings of 100m). • Mechanical ventilation controlled by carbon dioxide and butane/propane detectors (in underground or other enclosed car parks serving more than 10 cars).
Cycle storage — 1 space per 10 regular building occupants,
• Shower facilities — 1 per 10 cycle storage spaces, subject to a minimum provision of 1 show- er. Any building providing eight showers or more complies regardless of the number of cycle storage spaces provided,
• Changing facilities — 1 locker per 1 cycle space. Lockers are in or adjacent to changing room,
/ CBRE / Rolfe Judd / Modern Office Standards Poland 2020
Car parks and servicing / B6
Fire safety (*1) •
Car park fire zone size, smoke detection, smoke extract, means of escape provision and connection between car park and building should be designed to meet Building Regulations requirements.
Cycle storage — long-term cycle parking for 5% of regular building occupants but not fewer than four spaces per building, short-term cycle parking for 2,5% of peak visitors but not bur than four spaces per building,
Car park loading • General 2.5–3.0 kN/ sq m. May vary if other vehicles will be allowed to access the car park.
• Shower with changing facilities — 1 for first 100 regular building occupants and 1 per every 150 regular building occupants thereafter.
B6 / Car parks and servicing
Cycle storage — for 5% of regular building occupants,
Cycling is becoming more important in the cities. There will be more protected bikeways and more people will start cycling to work. To have future proof office buildings, provision- ing for active transport is a must-have. Apart of growing need for cycle spaces there is an increasing demand for showers and lock- ers, not just for cyclists but also for other active travelers. The building should also provide a repair station for bikes. There are no fixed requirements for bikes pro- vision in Poland. Various cities have various parameters which all seems to fall behind mar- ket trends and needs. For example in Warsaw
Studium recommends 10 cycle spaces / 100 car park spaces (!) while London Plan requires 1 cycle space / 75 sq m of GEA. This makes huge difference in cycle store provision, and what is more important is not dependent of car parking provision. Factors provided below are recommenda- tions which should be considered at the de- sign stage. Car park spaces can always be removed and replaced by some more cycle spaces (depending on Zoning Plan / WZ De- cision requirements) or replaced with two-tier cycle racks if demand will change in the fu- ture, more difficult will be to add extra showers and other facilities.
• Shower facilities — 1 for first 100 regular building occupants and 1 per every 150 regular building occupants thereafter up to 999 occupants, above it 8 plus 1 per 500 regular building occupants above 1000 up to 4999 occupants, above it 16 plus 1 per 1000 regular building occupants above 5000.
• Changing facilities — 5 lockers per 1 shower. Lockers are co-located with shower facilities,
The most restrictive are the BREEAM requirements, while in the case of LEED and WELL the require- ments are approximately half that. As BREEAM standards proved to be the most commonly used meet- ing its requirement should be targeted for.
Graffit Warsaw / Rolfe Judd /
Modern Office Standards Poland 2020 / Rolfe Judd / CBRE /
With constantly increasing numbers of electri- cal / hybrid cars followed by EU and PL legis- lation changes, provision of charging points / stations seems to be required for office build- ings aiming to achieve quality class A rating. There is currently no legal obligation to pro- vide charging points within any development however this will undoubtedly change in the near future. Provision of electrical fitting to power the elec- tric car charging station is much cheaper at the design and construction stage than after
its completion. Therefore, it is worth antici- pating the appropriate power reserve at the connection point and in the main switchboard in advance and prepare the duct infrastruc- ture so that subsequent changes do not entail unnecessarily excessive costs for the facility manager. It is a good practice to provide charging fa- cilities for 10% of all parking bays and power reserve for additional 40%.
Access for commercial vehicles, public service vehicles, fire tender vehicle, refuse collection vehicles, delivery vans, taxi drop-off, kiss & fly points should be provided on-site or in the car park. When bigger vehicles enter the car park:
• The height should be no lower than 2.7m clear (depends of height of service vehicles access- ing car park level) • Deck above underground levels / on-site fire route should be design to carry fire tender vehicle loading 100kN / axle (3 axles). Fire tender vehicle requires 4.2m of clear height for passing through the covered passage / under the building.
/ CBRE / Rolfe Judd / Modern Office Standards Poland 2020
Car parks and servicing / B6
Recommendation: •
10% of spaces for disabled is considered to be good practice
• To provide taxi drop-off and kiss & fly points and good access for commercial and public vehicles on site
B6 / Car parks and servicing
To provide car parking for visitors / car sharing solutions
• To provide cycle racks and motorbike / electric scooter spaces • To provide charging points / stations for electrical cars • To locate a city bike station in the building’s proximity • A relevant showers & changing rooms should be introduced in the building, preferably near- by parking area • To provide properly sized and designed refuse storage rooms for waste collection, taking into account waste segregation and with easy and collision-free access for refuse collection vehicles at ground floor level or alternatively in the basement • To provide dedicated collision-free delivery zones as close as possible to goods lift either at ground level or within the basement car park • To secure some areas for tenant’s archive and storage rooms
Regent Quarter / London / Rolfe Judd
/ CBRE / Rolfe Judd / Modern Office Standards Poland 2020 / 39 B7 Lift B7 / Lift service Recommendation: •
Service (OB)
Minimum lift provision to achieve a maximum waiting time of 30 seconds.
Lifts should be designed to achieve: • 80% loading •
Passenger handling capacity: 15% of total building population in a 5 minute period, number of occupants calculation — 14m 2 (NIA) per person minimum, subject to client occupancy requirements
Goods lift: consider for buildings over 5,000m 2 provide for buildings over 10,000m 2 consider second goods lift for buildings over 25–30,000m 2
• At least one lift suitable for stretchers shall be provided (might be the goods lift if appropriate dimensions are allowed, and if this lift serves all of the floors) (*1)
Destination control as a standard
Suspended celings usefully hide services and help control noise and light levels.
Skyliner / Warszawa
/ CBRE / Rolfe Judd / Modern Office Standards Poland 2020 / 41 B8 Ceilings A) CEILINGS B) LIGHTING B8 / Ceilings and lighting
and Lighting (OB)
There are essentially three ceiling types for consideration; exposed, enclosed and island / grid systems. Suspended ceilings of some type are tradition- al in Class A offices throughout Europe and North America. They provide a flat, light and regular ceiling plane. They usefully hide ser- vices and help control noise and light levels.
Ceilings with services and structural grid ex- posed are becoming more common espe- cially in high mass building types where the exposure of the structural floor soffit (often concrete) can be useful in helping control the internal environment. The ceiling finish and whether to install a sus- pended ceiling or not is a matter of design.
Comfortable and efficient lighting, as LED technology, increases the productivity of the working environment.
Modern Office Standards Poland 2020 / Rolfe Judd / CBRE /
For lighting to provide both safety and comfort the following criteria described in Polish Stan- dards must be fulfilled:
Energy conservation in lighting could be provided by introducing:
Illumination level
• • • • • • •
Dimmable system
• • • •
Daylight control
Luminance distribution
Motion detector for presence control
Glare reduction
Energy efficient light sources
Colour (temperature) and colour rendering
/ CBRE / Rolfe Judd / Modern Office Standards Poland 2020
Ceilings and lighting / B8
Blinking and stroboscope effect
Recommendation: • It is recommended that office buildings are equipped with the most modern energy efficient lighting system
Maintenance factor
Avoiding high contrasts, light blinking and glare could reduce fatigue and discomfort of office staff. Illumination level depends on type of tasks. According to building regulations for gener- al office use the maintained illuminance level shall not be less than 300 Lux, for computer based tasks not less than 500 Lux and in cor-
ridors not less than 100 Lux.(*4) In addition to fulfilling minimum levels of illu- mination on the working area, eg. desk sur- face the minimum lighting levels for the rest of the surface must be satisfied. Light sources give a wide range of colour im- pressions related to their colour temperature described in Kelvin degrees:
• Lighting energy consumption is a vital factor in energy efficiency of the whole building.
B8 / Ceilings and lighting
Warm impression below 3000K
• • •
Neutral colour impression 3300–5300K
Cool colour impression above 5300K
The higher the illumination level is, the higher temperature of light source shall be used. For the offices best colour temperature is 3000K or 4000K depending on whether warm or neutral lighting is required. Colour rendering index (Ra) for office areas shall not be less than 0.8.
Modern Office Standards Poland 2020 / Rolfe Judd / CBRE /
A comprehensive building management system (BMS) is recommended as the best way to monitor or control the operation of the building functions.
/ CBRE / Rolfe Judd / Modern Office Standards Poland 2020 / 45 B9 Small B9 / Small power Recommendation:
BMS systems / B10
B10 BMS Systems (OB) Class A buildings require a high degree of con- trol to run efficiently and with flexibility to suit the requirements of a wide range of different tenants.
Power (OB)
Minimum recommended small power requirements are provided below.
A comprehensive Building Management System (BMS) is recommended as the best way to monitor or control the operation of the building functions.
Small Power Requirements (loading diversified): • LED Lighting: 8–10 W/ sq m • Office equipment and air conditioning: 40–50 W/ sq m • Common area installations (lifts, ventilation, domestic water installation etc.) depend- ing on building height : 10–20 W/ sq m.
It is recommended to install a BMS to monitor or control the following:
• Internal environment — heating / cooling / lighting in an easily zoned fashion • Central security and access control • Fire alarms and access for fire brigade at ground level • Overall energy efficiency • Secure a possibility to include tenant’s own applications (e.g. Access Control App., Employee Entrance Counting App.) to the building’s BMS
In order to obtain all power demand for office building (HVAC with smoke exhaust instal- lation, sprinkler installation, domestic water installation, lighting etc.) 60–80 W/ sq m is designed as a typical power demand.
Some spare ways at riser distribution boards shall also be provided.
Hi Piotrkowska Lodz /
Modern Office Standards Poland 2020 / Rolfe Judd / CBRE /
In order to cater for a variety of systems buildings should be designed with maximum future flexibility.
/ CBRE / Rolfe Judd / Modern Office Standards Poland 2020 / 49 B11 B11 / Structured cabling Recommendation: •
Tenants’ plant space provision / B12
B12 Tenants’ Plant Space Provision (AD)
Structured Cabling (OB) Cabling systems and requirements for IT ser- vices, power and lights are changing rapidly. In order to cater for a variety of systems build- ings should be designed with maximum future flexibility. Because internal cabling within the
Space is often required for tenants services at roof level or in the basement. This requirement is often greater in multi-tenant buildings where, for exam-
office space is usually part of the fit-out pack- age its category depends on tenants require- ments. Building equipment should allow for maximum flexibility.
ple, a number of tenants may require space for backup power generation, satellite or IT services.
Recommendation: Allow space for: • Satellite dishes •
Intake/frame rooms: some IT / telecoms providers will require dedicated rooms at the point of the services entry into the building (usually at basement level). Ideally access routes for external data cables should be separated by a minimum distance of 10m. • Allow for server rooms (to provide suitable slab loading capacity bearings for servers, IT and cooling equipment) • Allow for telecoms risers which are separated from electrical risers and minimum two redundant risers • Allow for flexible raised floor • Signal amplification systems (in lifts, staircases, underground parking) • Free WiFi in the common areas
Additional cooling capacity (for separate tenant cooling system)
IT intake rooms at basement level
• • • •
Tenants’ services in mechanical and electrical risers
Tenants’ power generator and UPS
Gas suppression system for IT rooms
• Tenants’ signage on the facade or roof with dedicated electric meter.
Modern Office Standards Poland 2020 / Rolfe Judd / CBRE /
An alternative independent power supply is required for Class A office buildings.
/ CBRE / Rolfe Judd / Modern Office Standards Poland 2020 / 51 B13 / Power supplies Recommendation:
Power supplies / B13
B13 Power Supplies (OB)
An alternative independent power supply is required for Class A office buildings.
Renewable energy usage reduces the environmen- tal and economic harms associated with fossil fuel energy and reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Purchasing energy attribute certificates (EACs) al- lows buildings that use non-renewable power to create market demand for renewable energy and support the development of renewable infrastruc- ture. Renewable energy produced on-site protects projects from energy price volatility while reducing wasted energy lost in transmission. The building should be designed and managed in a way, that tenants can choose to procure energy from renewable sources, such as: on-site renew-
able energy generation (e.g. PV panels), off-site renewable energy produced by a generation as- set(s) in the project’s country or region, or off-site renewable energy that is Green e-Energy certified or equivalent. Possibility to purchase renewable energy may contribute to obtaining higher score in green office certifications (such as LEED, BREE- AM, WELL). Additionally, the voluntary market can encourage energy producers and utility compa- nies to develop clean energy sources and help address climate change.
Alternative power can be provided via the use of a generator unit or a second independent power supply from a different mains circuit from the primary supply.
Standby generator provided for life safety sys- tems (if required). Provision of space for ten- ants generators may vary according to the number of tenants to be accommodated and sharing of facilities.
Modern Office Standards Poland 2020 / Rolfe Judd / CBRE /
Provision of a raised floor with good access for services such as electrical and IT cabling is an essential requirement for a class A office buildings.
City One / Wroclaw
/ CBRE / Rolfe Judd / Modern Office Standards Poland 2020 / 53 B14 / Raised floors
B14 Raised Floors (OB) Provision of a raised floor with good access for services such as electrical and IT cabling is an essential requirement for a Class A office buildings. Raised floor types and depths vary greatly but certain types of raised floors have gained favour amongst tenants and develop- ers for flexibility, economy and robustness.
There are some other cheaper raised floors solutions, which allow for cabling provision. They are not as flexible (e.g. cast-in chan- nels) but might be sufficient for some build- ings. Sometimes, (e.g in refurbished buildings) when it is impossible to fit raised floors, the other solutions might be implemented.
Recommendation: • 120–150mm overall depth min 90mm clear service zone and 300mm for deeper floors • 300mm–500mm for sub-floor air conditioning • 500 or 600mm square metal floor tiles • Point loads of 3.0KN (over 25 sq mm) • Secure possibility to provide raised floor up to 200 mm for the UPS and server rooms. • Fire resistance and acoustic performance should be considered
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