Modern Office Strandards Poland 2020
Modern Office Standards Poland 2020 / Rolfe Judd / CBRE /
With constantly increasing numbers of electri- cal / hybrid cars followed by EU and PL legis- lation changes, provision of charging points / stations seems to be required for office build- ings aiming to achieve quality class A rating. There is currently no legal obligation to pro- vide charging points within any development however this will undoubtedly change in the near future. Provision of electrical fitting to power the elec- tric car charging station is much cheaper at the design and construction stage than after
its completion. Therefore, it is worth antici- pating the appropriate power reserve at the connection point and in the main switchboard in advance and prepare the duct infrastruc- ture so that subsequent changes do not entail unnecessarily excessive costs for the facility manager. It is a good practice to provide charging fa- cilities for 10% of all parking bays and power reserve for additional 40%.
Access for commercial vehicles, public service vehicles, fire tender vehicle, refuse collection vehicles, delivery vans, taxi drop-off, kiss & fly points should be provided on-site or in the car park. When bigger vehicles enter the car park:
• The height should be no lower than 2.7m clear (depends of height of service vehicles access- ing car park level) • Deck above underground levels / on-site fire route should be design to carry fire tender vehicle loading 100kN / axle (3 axles). Fire tender vehicle requires 4.2m of clear height for passing through the covered passage / under the building.
/ CBRE / Rolfe Judd / Modern Office Standards Poland 2020
Car parks and servicing / B6
Recommendation: •
10% of spaces for disabled is considered to be good practice
• To provide taxi drop-off and kiss & fly points and good access for commercial and public vehicles on site
B6 / Car parks and servicing
To provide car parking for visitors / car sharing solutions
• To provide cycle racks and motorbike / electric scooter spaces • To provide charging points / stations for electrical cars • To locate a city bike station in the building’s proximity • A relevant showers & changing rooms should be introduced in the building, preferably near- by parking area • To provide properly sized and designed refuse storage rooms for waste collection, taking into account waste segregation and with easy and collision-free access for refuse collection vehicles at ground floor level or alternatively in the basement • To provide dedicated collision-free delivery zones as close as possible to goods lift either at ground level or within the basement car park • To secure some areas for tenant’s archive and storage rooms
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