Modern Office Strandards Poland 2020

Regent Quarter / London / Rolfe Judd

/ CBRE / Rolfe Judd / Modern Office Standards Poland 2020 / 39 B7 Lift B7 / Lift service Recommendation: •

Service (OB)

Minimum lift provision to achieve a maximum waiting time of 30 seconds.

Lifts should be designed to achieve: • 80% loading •

Passenger handling capacity: 15% of total building population in a 5 minute period, number of occupants calculation — 14m 2 (NIA) per person minimum, subject to client occupancy requirements

Goods lift: consider for buildings over 5,000m 2 provide for buildings over 10,000m 2 consider second goods lift for buildings over 25–30,000m 2

• At least one lift suitable for stretchers shall be provided (might be the goods lift if appropriate dimensions are allowed, and if this lift serves all of the floors) (*1)

Destination control as a standard

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