Modern Office Strandards Poland 2020

Modern Office Standards Poland 2020 / Rolfe Judd / CBRE /


It is considered desirable to have full height floor to ceiling windows where possible on office façades to give a good distribution of light on to office floors. Smaller windows can be acceptable provided the minimum daylight levels are achieved. Windows should be designed to afford good light, and good uninterrupted views out. Large window frame sections and transoms at eye level should be avoided. From the sustain- ability point of view, high performance glazed façades should be provided. Solar control must also be considered in terms of the building’s orientation.

External, internal or interstitial blinds may be required. Individual local control should be provided for the shading provision for each window. The greater the degree of control oc- cupants have over their environment the more satisfied they tend to be. From a psychological point of view, it is good practice to provide at least one openable win- dow per 1/3 of the office grid (2.7m–3.0m), but this can conflict with sustainability aspects of the building. Openable windows can also cause lower performance of air conditioning and thus higher energy consumption.

/ CBRE / Rolfe Judd / Modern Office Standards Poland 2020

Heating, cooling and ventilation / B19

B19 Heating, Cooling and Ventilation (OB)

B18 / Daylighting

Recommendation: •

1:8 window area to floor area ratio

• Minimum 70% of the area to be located within 6m of a window • Brisolleus / façade wall curtains to provide sun and daylight comfort

Efficient, quiet and flexible heating cooling and ventilation systems are required for all Class A buildings. Flexibility in operation must be matched

to any potential tenant subdivision. A 15–20 year life span is recommended for all key system com- ponents.

Ceiling height to plan depth relation /

Max Plan Depth = 2H + 2.5H D = 5.4m–7.5m


In the past there was an expectation to achieve approx. 22°C within offices space during the summer period. Research has revealed there is no need to over-design services to maintain the standard 22°C as it is far too expensive and en- ergy consuming. To achieve the requirements of designing a sustainable building without extensive cost there is a need to challenge our mentality and expectations regarding a building’s internal environment. For design purposes temperatures 24–25°C for the summer period should be as- sumed. Additionally as a standard, individual temperature control in office rooms or in zones

(in case of open plan offices) should be provided. In the event openable windows are provided, ad- ditional control system should be provided to the HVAC system. An A class building is expected to have ensuring good quality indoor air, by supplying fresh air af- ter filtration in class F7. The building perceived as the most attractive (class A) should provide flexible interior design, BMS system or the ability to control air humidity to ensure an appropriate microclimate.

Standard Ceiling Height: H=3.0m Recommended minimum: H=2.7m (with apostasy)





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