Modern Office Strandards Poland 2020

Modern Office Standards Poland 2020 / Rolfe Judd / CBRE /

GRESB, which is gaining in popularity, assesses the implementation of ESG policy and may apply to both assets and funds.

The British Research Establishment or BRE has established the BREEAM Standards originally for the UK but now used throughout Europe and the Middle East. The BREEAM Standards for offices are simple means of assessing buildings on a whole range of environmen- tal issues to arrive at one of a simple range of ratings: fair, good, very good and excel- lent. BREEAM provide full details of their stan- dards on their web site They update the standards regularly and tie them into EU legislative targets and developments. With the aim of making the best Polish offices amongst the best in Europe, the target is to achieve BREEAM ‘very good’ standard for all new office buildings. The WELL Building Standard is the premier standard for buildings, interior spaces and communities seeking to implement, validate and measure features that support and ad- vance human health and wellness. WELL was developed by integrating scientific and medi- cal research and literature on environmental health, behavioral factors, health outcomes and demographic risk factors that affect health with leading practices in building design, con- struction and management. The WELL Build- ing Standard underwent a comprehensive ex- pert peer review process, which included three

An office building which receives a BREEAM certificate typically has lower operating costs, secured asset value that avoids “brown stig- ma” and is healthier and safer for occupants, compared with a regular office building. As well as the building itself being certified during design and construction it is increas- ingly expected that the building will be man- aged according to sustainable criteria to protect its classification status. As such certi- fication against BREEAM In Use Parts 1 & 2 should now be expected for actively managed assets (see B22).

HQE is the French certification awarded to building construction and management as well as urban planning projects. HQE promotes best practices, sustainable quality in building projects and offers expert guidance through- out the lifetime of the project. For over 20 years, the HQE movement has been directing the attention of stakeholders towards sustain- able development issues applied to buildings and local planning and Goals that will help create a sustainable living environment. HQE

certification pursues sustainable performance objectives while giving substantial importance to the life cycle analysis on a building scale and to the impacts of a project on health, per- sonal comfort and the indoor environment. The certification covers the entire lifecycle of a building (construction, renovation and op- eration): non-residential buildings, residential buildings and detached houses as well as ur- ban planning and development.

/ CBRE / Rolfe Judd / Modern Office Standards Poland 2020

Sustainability standards for design and construction / B21

To make sustainable building applicable on a practical level, measurable and thus com- parable, the DGNB has developed its own certification system. The certification system is available in different variants for buildings, districts and interiors. As a planning and op- timization tool, it helps all those involved in construction to implement a holistic and sus- tainable quality. The DGNB System is based on the three central sustainability areas of ecolo- gy, economy and sociocultural issues, which are weighted equally in the evaluation. The DGNB System evaluates the location as well as the technical and procedural quality with a holistic approach. The performance of these qualities can be evaluated by means of certifi-

cation criteria. These are individually tailored to different types of use and can be applied to new buildings, existing buildings, refur- bishments and buildings in use. Every build- ing, from planning to deconstruction, goes through different phases, which are linked to different requirements and conditions. These can be accompanied by the DGNB certifica- tion system in terms of a holistic sustainable construction method. By reducing cost-intensive risks, the applica- tion of the DGNB System contributes, to a high degree, of future security for construction projects. The independent certification process serves to ensure transparent quality control.

B21 / Sustainability standards for design and construction

phases — scientific, practitioner and medical review. WELL Certification and the WELL AP credentialing program are third-party ad- ministered through IWBI’s collaboration with Green Business Certification Inc. (GBCI). The WELL evaluation system is based on the implementation of several key factors with a significant impact on the well-being of the user himself. The certification should guarantee a pleasant work environment, among other things, because the gain of this certificate must be backed by measuring the key environmen- tal parameters of an independent third party.





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