Modern Office Strandards Poland 2020
Modern Office Standards Poland 2020 / Rolfe Judd / CBRE /
The sustainable credentials of a building not only relates to how it was designed and constructed but also in a large part as to how it is operated and managed.
Operated by
Countries available (origin)
Levels of achievement
Pass, Good, Very Good, Excellent, Outstanding
International (UK)
International (US)
Silver, Gold, Platinum
Pass, Good, Very Good, Excellent, Exceptional
International (France)
/ CBRE / Rolfe Judd / Modern Office Standards Poland 2020
Sustainability standards for the operation and maintenance of a building / B22
International (Germany)
Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum
International WELL, Building Institute
International (US)
Silver, Gold, Platinum
B22 Sustainability Standards for the Operation and Mainte - nance of a Building (AD)
International (US)
1 Star, 2 Star, 3 Star
B21 / Sustainability standards for design and construction
The sustainable credentials of a building not only relates to how it was designed and constructed but also in a large part as to how it is operated and managed. Both of the certification organizations, LEED and BREEAM, have schemes that directly address how a building is operated and managed and the particulars of the schemes can be found on their web site. A summary of the schemes at the time of writing is given below. Both DGNB & HQE developed their own certif- icates’ system awarding their users with classifi- cation on certain fields of the building construc-
tion and management as well as urban planning projects, which allows to implement a holistic and sustainable quality. GRESB provides users with analytical tools to monitor their investments, engage with their man- agers, and make decisions that lead to a more sustainable and resilient real asset industry. Minimum level of certificate grade (pass is not an option).
GRESB assesses and benchmarks the Environ- mental, Social and Governance (ESG) perfor- mance of real assets, providing standardized and validated data to the capital markets. The Assessments are guided by what investors and the industry consider to be material issues in the sustainability performance of real asset in- vestments, and are aligned with international reporting frameworks, such as GRI, PRI, SASB, DJSI, TCFD recommendations, the Paris Cli- mate Agreement, UN SDGs, region and coun- try specific disclosure guidelines. Assessment
participants receive comparative business in- telligence on where they stand against their peers, a roadmap with the actions they can take to improve their ESG performance and a communication platform to engage with inves- tors. Investors use the ESG data and GRESB’s analytical tools to monitor their investments, engage with their managers, and make de- cisions that lead to a more sustainable and resilient real asset industry.
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