Modern Office Strandards Poland 2020

Modern Office Standards Poland 2020 / Rolfe Judd / CBRE /


LEED has a scheme dedicated to how a build- ing is used and managed called “Building Operations and Maintenance” scheme. The scheme applies to existing buildings where

little or no construction work is ongoing and considers the following aspects on a weighted basis in relation to certifying a building:

Hi Piotrkowska / Lodz

Location and Transportation

/ CBRE / Rolfe Judd / Modern Office Standards Poland 2020

Sustainable Sites — Property Management

Water Efficiency

Energy & Atmosphere

Materials & Resources

Indoor Environmental Quality



BREEAM has a scheme dedicated to how a building is used and managed called “BREEAM In Use International”. The scheme applies to existing buildings and considers how the asset is managed and run. The scheme is comprised of 3 parts and any of them can be selected for certification. There is also the possibility to certify parts 1 and 2 jointly.

B22 / Sustainability standards for the operation and maintenance of a building

Part 1 — Asset Performance

Part 2 — Building Management Performance

Part 3 — Occupier Management

For the purposes of classifying a building parts 1 and / or 2 are applicable. Part 3 is typically considered by tenant occupiers.





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