Modern Office Strandards Poland 2020
Modern Office Standards Poland 2020 / Rolfe Judd / CBRE /
The location of an office building is critical to its market appeal.
Location Criteria
The Marq / London / Rolfe Judd
/ CBRE / Rolfe Judd / Modern Office Standards Poland 2020 / 83 / Location criteria Recommendation: CLASS A • CLASS B •
The location of an office building is critical to its market appeal. For many businesses only the most central location within a central business district (CBD) or other well-established business location with excellent transport accessibility will be acceptable and this is considered as A class a location. Class B and C locations are in turn less prime real estate locations.
Primary locations within the central business district (CBD) or in other established office location with very good accessibility or major or prestigious office zone locations with excellent visibility, accessibility for pedestrians (5–7 minute walk) and via the car, with at least two means of public transport nearby and a very good variety of local amenities.
Secondary locations on the periphery of CBD’s or other established location or on in- dustrial or office estates located outside the CBD. These are good office locations with good access for pedestrians, via the car, public transport connections and services. CLASS C • Any other location not defined as class A or B, in a non-established business neigh- bourhood.
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