Modern Office Strandards Poland 2020
Modern Office Standards Poland 2020 / Rolfe Judd / CBRE /
The RICS and many other organisations are launching the ipms (international property measurement standard) to overcome the many standards used in the market – Poland is no exception.
/ CBRE / Rolfe Judd / Modern Office Standards Poland 2020 / 85 / Appendix
Measurement / C1
C1 Measurement
GIF Lettable Area of Commercial Spaces Measuring Directive Established by Society of Property Researchers in Germany and specifies Building Lettable Area (this method is related to the German Standard DIN 277):
Measurement to be taken at floor height
Describes which areas shall be determined as lettable area exclusively dedicated for tenants and defined as common lettable area Describes which areas are not to be taken into account as lettable area: service use, stair flights, ramps, landings between floors, lift shafts, vehicle communication areas, escape routes and stairs, atriums, structural walls and columns, risers.
In terms of measurements, many standards have been adopted by developers and other indus- try players but none of them have been agreed as a market standard. It makes it difficult to as- sess what the net to gross ratio of a particular
building is, thus making it difficult to compare them. Various measurement approaches are ad- vised depending on the measurement purposes, whether these are tax or leasing matter.
In Poland the following standards are currently in use:
TEGOVA Standard Specifies how to measure Building Lettable Area (this method does not comply with either of the Polish Standards. It is used to calculate lettable office area for property researching purposes only):
A) The Polish Standard PN-ISO 9836(*5) Performance standards in building Definition and calculation of area and space indicators. It is used in procedures defined in Building Law for newly constructed buildings):
Measurement to be taken at 1.5m
The area to be measured between internal surfaces of external building walls or in case more than 50% of the external facade is glazed between the glazed surfaces The area between the tenants to be calculated in the centre line of the division wall separating the tenants premises / or to the centre line of opening in structural wall
Specifies how to measure: Total Floor Area, Internal Floor Area, Net Floor Area, Circula- tion Area, Service Area, Usage Area (Main and Auxiliary), Building Envelope Area
Areas to be measured between finished surface of walls / structure elements at floor height.
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