Modern Office Strandards Poland 2020
Modern Office Standards Poland 2020 / Rolfe Judd / CBRE /
Depending on the developer’s origin, various measurement standards are applied.
/ CBRE / Rolfe Judd / Modern Office Standards Poland 2020
Measurement / C1
Describes which areas shall be determined as lettable area exclusively dedicated for tenant: hydrants, electrical distribution boards, kitchenettes and toilets, if dedicated for tenant
Describes which areas shall be determined as lettable common area: entrance halls, corri- dors, toilets, lift lobbies, security rooms etc. Describes which areas are not to be taken into account as lettable area: internal structural walls and shafts, plant rooms etc.
C1 / Measurement
RICS Standard Established by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors and intended for use in the UK, however in Poland used by UK origin developers & consultants. Provides definitions for accurate measurement of buildings required for valuation, management, conveyancing, planning, taxa- tion, sale, letting, or acquisition purposes. Gross External Area — the area of a building measured externally at each floor level, suitable for town planning, rating and council tax, building cost estimation purposes. Gross Internal Area — the area of a building measured to the internal face of the perimeter walls at each floor level, suitable for estate agency & valuation, property management purposes. Net Internal Area — the usable area within a building measured to the internal face of the perimeter walls at each floor level, suitable for rating, estate agency & valuation, property management purposes. The International Property Measurement Standards (IPMS) are developed by a group of more than 80 professional and not-for-profit organisations, work- ing together to implement international standards for measuring property. IPMS for industrial, office, residential and retail buildings have been drafted by the independent Standards Setting Committee and establishes a consistent methodology for measuring buildings around the world.
BOMA Standard Established by the U.S. Building Owners And Managers Association (BOMA) (this method is used to calculate lease area for rental purposes only):
The Boma Lease Measurement
Usable Area is the actual occupied area of a floor or an office suite
The Boma Lease Measurement Floor
Rentable Area — the tenant’s pro-rata portion of the entire office floor, excluding elements of the building that penetrate through the floor to areas below. Boma Lease Measurement Building Common Area — includes those areas of a building that are used to provide services to building tenants, but which are not included in the office area of any specific tenant. It also includes any associated common areas and is applied to the Floor Rentable Area to calculate the Rentable Area. Boma Lease Measurement Load Factor — the percentage of space on a floor that is not us- able plus a pro-rata share of the Building Common Area, expressed as a percent of Usable Area (also known as the Common Area Factor, the Loss Factor, the Add-on Factor).
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