Modern Office Strandards Poland 2020
Wave / Gdansk
/ CBRE / Rolfe Judd / Modern Office Standards Poland 2020 / 91 C2 / Statutory requirements’ reference C2 Statutory *4 *5 *6 *7 *8
Requirements’ Reference
*1 Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure on technical conditions to be met by buildings and their location *2 Regulation of the Minister of Labor and Social Policy on general provisions on health and safety at work *3 Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure and Development on the methodology for deter- mining the energy performance of a building or part of a building and energy performance certificates
Polish Standard PN-EN 12464-1 (Lighting)
Polish Standard PN-ISO 9836 (Areas)
Polish Standard PN-B-02151-2, PN-B-02151-3, PN-B-02151-4, (Noise)
Polish Standard PN-83/B-03430 (Ventilation)
Polish Standard PN-EN 15251, PN-EN 7730 (quality of the internal environment)
*9 Ministry of Infrastructure and Construction — Building Accessibility Standards for People with Disabilities — Guide *10 Act on ensuring accessibility to people with special needs
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